Handy Tips about your alarm
You should not attempt to move or disconnect any part of your alarm. This will cause a tamper resulting in a chargeable call out and the possibility of not being able to use the alarm. Also contact us prior to any work being done well in advance
If you are key holder or police response, always make sure your details are up to date with us.
Do not block the detectors, Balloons, Christmas decorations or other obstructions could cause your alarm to work incorrectly.
Please let us know of any problems with your alarm as soon as possible. Do NOT leave it to the last minute!
At certain times of the years, spiders so like to make a home behind the detectors. When they crawl across the detector, when the alarm is set, this can trigger a false alarm. Should you suspect this, please carefully remove any cobwebs or any obvious signs of spiders. This could save you a costly call out!
By having a security system fitted to your property, your premiums could be reduced. Check with your insurance company!
We are a 24 hr service. Please call us at any time if you need us